Our Ingredients

The Melanie Newman Salon Essentials collection is proud to use a range of natural ingredients that bring out the best in your dog’s coat. Key ingredients, such as Aloe Vera and pure essential oils are used in all our formulations. This increases hydration, soothes your pet’s skin and you have the comfort of knowing our products use plant derived and natural essential oils.

The moisturising characteristics of Aloe Vera are well known among products for human use, however the soothing properties are just as beneficial to use on “man’s best friend”.

Aloe Vera is native to Central America and grows in subtropical and tropical climates. With over 20 beneficial compounds, some of which include aloin, resin, emodin and volatile oils, the gel obtained from this succulent plant enhances the gentle properties and coat conditioning function of our products. This means that your dog will have optimal coat, condition and shine with the added bonus of smelling great.

You will find our ingredients are all listed on our product pages and if you every have any questions we are here to help. 

Dash and The Team.